
Making bao dur a jedi
Making bao dur a jedi

making bao dur a jedi

To make your lightsaber fully customizable, I've programmed the saber to have drag and drop capable SD cards. They think the customers need something simpler. These electronics are often passed up by bigger companies due to their complexity. Pairing the power of the Proffieboard with a Proffie pixel blade allows for many new effects like tip-clash upon stab, door melt effects, blade drag, lightning block, and unstable scrolling flames. We program the sabers for localized clash and lockup near the center of the blade. The blade will "scroll" on and off as seen on the silver screen. Each one can be programmed for nearly unlimited possibilities.

making bao dur a jedi

Proffie pixel means that the 36" blade is lit with many individual LEDs. Harder swings are paired with appropriate sounds. Smooth Swing means that even a gentle 15 degree rotation of the wrist will cause the lightsaber to begin to make a soft swinging sound. EHA proudly offers the Proffieboard 2.2 soundboard with smooth swing Proffie pixel technology. These are the same electronics you'll find in our owner's own personal lightsabers. It comes with 9 smoothswing fonts, color change, unstable/flicker/stable versions, volume adjustment, blaster block, lockup, fast color change, and precise color change. Several extra LED's are imbeded into the blade connection area.Īn economical but powerful board that comes standard with all the features you could ask for at this price point.

making bao dur a jedi

ProffiePixel Elite - Proffieboard 2.2 using an upgraded blade connector that illuminates with or without the blade inserted. Comes with sound fonts listed below and can be changed for new sound fonts after purchase. Proffie pixel - a proffieboard 2.2 running the latest operating system available with duel ready pixel blade. Comes with several fixed sound styles listed below Rgb smoothswing- lightsaber comes with a blade and base lit style lightsaber. (7-14 days, price $400 for ProffiePixel elite)Ĭomes with a 36 inch blade. Proffiepixel version will take some extra time to install. We sell the elite version only as the regular pixel one doesn't have enough room to insert the blade without considerable wobble. This saber is slightly more complex to convert to pixel. His exposed crystal chamber lightsaber reflects his own cybernetic limb, which has an arc of pure energy from wrist to upper arm. Bao Dur was trained in the Jedi Arts by The Exile, Meetra Sulik. The Lightsaber of a Nightbrother born hundreds of years before Darth Maul, free of the powerful influence of Darth Sidious and Mother Talzin.

Making bao dur a jedi